Collection: Prestige Essences
Prestige vanilla vodka 20ml
Vanilla Vodka has a clear, fresh vanilla flavour. Drink neat, in tall drinks, or mixed with carbonated drinks. Instructions:Pour the contents of this bottle into a...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige whiskey liqueur 20ml
Whisky Liqueur is a mild liqueur with a whisky and honey base. Drink in coffee or with dessert. Makes 750ml
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige white cacao 20ml
White Creme de Cacao is a creamy white chocolate liqueur. Drink neat or mixed in drinks. Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle and 260g granulated...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige yellow french pastis 20ml
Yellow French Pastis is an aniseed-flavoured, spicy yellow beverage that emulsifies (becomes milky) when mixed with water. Drink neat or mixed.
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per