Collection: Prestige Essences
Prestige honey bird bourbon whiskey 50ml
Make your own stunning honey bourbon with this great essence that is full of rich smooth flavour to sip and savour. Makes 2.25L
Regular price $14.00 AUDSale price $14.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige jamaica dark rum 20ml
Is a classic dark navy rum which offers a unique depth of taste recalling the navy rum rations which were the choice of swashbuckling adventurers and...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige jamaica dark rum 50ml
Extra Dark Jamaican Rum is a classic dark rum of the highest quality. Drink neat or mix with cola, pineapple, etc.
Regular price $14.00 AUDSale price $14.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige lemon gin 20ml
Lemon Gin is a mild gin flavoured with lemon. Good straight, “on the rocks” or as an ingredient in tall drinks and mixers. Instructions: Pour the...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige london gin 20ml
Wonderful aromas of juniper right out front and fragrant lavender notes in the back drop. The crisp body shows a complex floral palate with a hint...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
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Prestige malt scotch whiskey 20ml
Scotch WHISKEY is a blended WHISKEY with an refined malty taste and a full smokey flavour. Drink neat, "on the rocks" or mixed in drinks.
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige mango vodka 20ml
Mango Vodka has a light, fresh mango flavour. Drink neat, in tall drinks, or mixed with carbonated drinks. Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle and...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige marty romin french cognac liqueur 20ml
Marty Romin Brandy is a mild cognac style liquor. Drink neat or mix with carbonated drinks or chocolate milk. Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige moscow vodka 50ml
Prestige Moscow Vodka is a Russian styled vodka essence. Makes 2.25L
Regular price $14.00 AUDSale price $14.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige moskva vodka 20ml
Moskva – Moscow Vodka is a classic Russian vodka. Drink neat or mixed with carbonated drinks or orange juice. Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige navy rum 50ml
Navy Rum is legendary type of rum that was served under the British navy as late as in the twentieth century. A mix of different kind...
Regular price $14.00 AUDSale price $14.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige peach schnapps 20ml
Lightly spiced peach schnapps. Drink neat or mixed in drinks. Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle and 100g granulated sugar into a 750ml bottle. Fill 3/4...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige peach vodka 20ml
Delicious clear and fruity taste of newly picked peach, this Vodka is refreshing on its own or mixed in a summer cocktail. Perfect for cocktails. This...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige peppermint schnapps 20ml
With the clean, refreshing taste of cool peppermint a Peppermint Schnapps is perfect for the winter holidays, apres ski, or a football game. A nip of...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige regents blended scotch whiskey 20ml
Regent´s Whisky is a mild and soft whisky. Drink neat or mixed with carbonated drinks. Instructions:Pour the contents of this bottle into a 750ml bottle. Fill...
Regular price $7.00 AUDSale price $7.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige regents blended scotch whiskey 50ml
The perfect marriage of the finest and rarest malt and grain whiskies in Scotland, each of which has been individually aged in specially selected oak barrels...
Regular price $14.00 AUDSale price $14.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
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Prestige regents scotch whiskey 20ml
Regent's WHISKEY is a mild and soft WHISKEY. Drink neat with mixers
Regular price $7.50 AUDSale price $7.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige rum spice 20ml
Rum Spice is a spiced liquor based on rum. Drink neat or mixed with juice or carbonated drinks. Instructions:Pour the contents of this bottle into a...
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige swedish vodka 20ml
Swedish Vodka is a high quality Vodka based on the finest natural ingredients. Serve as a shot or with coffee. Mix with orange juice or cola.
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige swedish vodka 50ml
Swedish Vodka is a high quality Vodka based on the finest natural ingredients. Serve as a shot or with coffee. Mix with orange juice or cola.
Regular price $14.00 AUDSale price $14.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige tennessee whiskey 20ml
Bourbon Whiskey is a powerful American corn whiskey without the smokeyness. Drink neat "on the rocks" or mixed with soda, Ginger Ale, orange juice or Cola....
Regular price $7.00 AUDSale price $7.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige tennessee whiskey 50ml
Bourbon Whiskey is a powerful American corn whiskey without the smokeyness. Drink neat "on the rocks" or mixed with soda, Ginger Ale, orange juice or Cola....
Regular price $14.00 AUDSale price $14.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige tequila 20ml
Tequila is a Mexican cactus spirit from the city of Tequila. Serve straight, with lemon and salt, or in mixed drinks. Makes 750ml
Regular price $6.50 AUDSale price $6.50 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per -
Prestige tequila gold 20ml
Golden Tequila Anejo has a pale amber tint with a deep vanilla and pickling spice nose. A round, buoyant entry leads to an off-dry medium body...
Regular price $7.00 AUDSale price $7.00 AUD Regular priceUnit price / per